ENAE International Business School - Cursos y master en Murcia

Masterclass: Preparing your next international step: how to invest in a foreign country

Masterclass of our Master in International Trade

Date: 20th January 2022

Time: 6:30PM Spain

Price: Free

Language: English


There are many benefits to expanding your business internationally: exploring new markets, reducing your competition, achieving higher margins or expanding your customer base.

In this masterclass we will see how to plan the international expansion of your company, site location techniques, negotiation with the Public Administration and forms of FDI (foreign direct investment). 

If you want to broaden your training in this field, this is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the training provided in the Master in International Trade.


Fernando Ballesta

Economist who specializes in international business and investments (FDI). He has extensive international experience as he has spent part of his life traveling or living in other countries as part of his job or training (USA, UK, Scandinavia). Today, Fernando works as Director of Foreign Investments and Industrial Infrastructures at the Murcia Regional Development Agency and helps companies in their foreign direct investments (FDI) and international expansion projects. He is also responsible for all the industrial sites, logistics and infrastructures in the region. 

  • Graduate from Bremerton High School, WA – USA

  • Economist by the University of Murcia, Spain

  • Master degree in Foreign Trade by the ENAE Business School

  • Expert in International Business Law by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Treasure

  • International consultant on investments for UNCTAD

  • PSLO Private Sector Liaison Officer to the World Bank

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